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Museum Detox Coronavirus Emergency Fund - FAQs

Updated: Jun 16, 2022

Coronavirus Emergency Fund - FAQs

Who is eligible for hardship funding?

● Any member of Museum Detox can apply. We ask six ‘yes/no’ questions to help prioritise

funding, but anyone can apply. If you are not sure, get in touch!

How much is awarded as a hardship grant?

● We are currently offering grants of £150.

When is the deadline for applications?

● Applications are reviewed weekly, the deadline is Friday 1pm. We aim to assess the

applications over the weekend and to get back to applicants early the following week.

Who will see my application?

● A small working group of the volunteer executive committee are currently reviewing applications.

One of us answers enquires and anonymises applications. This person then acts as a

facilitator rather than a decision maker in the assessment process. We are currently looking

for a non-executive member of Museum Detox to join this working group (see email sent

26th May 2020).

Can I apply to the fund if I have an income?

● Yes, we do not ask for your specific income, and understand that there may be other

stresses on your household’s finances. So far, we have awarded funding to a number of

people who are still earning (albeit at a significantly reduced rate). Applications from people

with no income will be prioritised.

Can I apply if I have not been unwell or immunocompromised?

● Yes! Although applications from people who are differently-able, immunocompromised,

or chronically ill will be prioritised, the fund is open to all Detoxers.

How will an award affect my application to Universal Credit?

● We do not have the expertise to offer advice on Universal Credit or other forms of benefits.

However please note that this award is a charitable gift, and not earned income. We can

offer this ‘gift’ via bank transfer or in the form of supermarket vouchers.

If there is anything not covered in the FAQ's you can post questions here.

Information on membership criteria and sign up here.

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